Wow, I knew latkes must be borrowed from somewhere in Eastern Europe--not surprised they’re Ukrainian! What a lovely holiday feast! Wishing you and yours much joy of the season, Mia. 🎄🤗🎉
Thanks Ruth, same to you! I haven't done research into who was grating potatoes and then frying them first, but if you think about the large overlap of the Pale of Settlement and Ukraine’s modern its no surprise that lots of what we think of as Jewish cuisine is also a common part of the Ukrainian table.
Wow, I knew latkes must be borrowed from somewhere in Eastern Europe--not surprised they’re Ukrainian! What a lovely holiday feast! Wishing you and yours much joy of the season, Mia. 🎄🤗🎉
Thanks Ruth, same to you! I haven't done research into who was grating potatoes and then frying them first, but if you think about the large overlap of the Pale of Settlement and Ukraine’s modern its no surprise that lots of what we think of as Jewish cuisine is also a common part of the Ukrainian table.
You are so right, Mia! It was also very familiar to my mother, whose family came from a town in Lithuania not far from the Ukrainian border.